Exercises to build self-esteem: #5. Write a gratitude list

It’s too easy…

to lose sight of the things that are really important.  When I’m entangled in my laundry list of woes, I tend to get tunnel vision, all centric to problem solving things that maybe really don’t need fixed.

It’s important to take a time-out.  Step back, and breathe.  Life can get a little easier to manage when I take the time to stop and smell the roses.  I appreciate the little things, though it’s too easy to take the for granted when they remain constants in my life.

Therefore, I am creating a gratitude list to be referenced when I start to lose sight of what is really important in my life.


Writing your gratitude list

1. Take a clean sheet of paper (or brand spanking new blog post) and get comfortable.

2. Write down as many things as you can think of that you are grateful for about your life (no matter how insignificant it may be.)

3. When you have finished, read the list aloud and allow yourself to feel the gratitude.

4. Keep your list somewhere safe so you can add to it in the future when new things you are grateful for come to mind.


  • Xan
  • Beast
  • Blogs
  • Bloggers
  • Blogging Friends
  • Friends
  • Internet
  • Email friends
  • Family
  • Lilly
  • The Ocean
  • Pittsburgh
  • Clear night sky
  • My home
  • My in-laws
  • Xan’s job
  • Our income
  • My marriage
  • Fridays
  • Saturdays
  • Sundays
  • Uplifting television
  • Inspirational blogs
  • Good people
  • The life I was gifted
  • The medicine that keeps me going
  • Doctors that treat me
  • Kind nurses
  • Contacts
  • Androids and smartphones
  • Email
  • The ability to buy necessities
  • Showers
  • Forgiveness
  • Noise reducing earbuds
  • Journals
  • Places of solace

All that I am, all that I ever was...

That will never happen to me!

There was a point in my life where I took things for granted. I had a relationship, friends, a reasonable income, relatively stable mental health and no physical ailments to worry about. My life was full off laughter, smiles, regular sex, all the hugs you could imagine and a future that anyone would be proud of.

If you had told me six years ago what was about to happen to me I wouldn’t have believed you, in fact, I would probably have paraphrased Spike and asked if you were stoned!

Like the vast majority of us, I took my life for granted. Like most I thought ‘it would never happen to me’.

Today, and for many years now, I am eternally grateful for everything I have.

Most have heard the phrase you don’t realise what you have until it’s gone because it is 100%…

View original post 855 more words

4 thoughts on “Exercises to build self-esteem: #5. Write a gratitude list

  1. Exactly! I am sitting at work being soooo negative, hah! You said it! X

  2. I agree ; if more people counted their blessings , this world would be in a better state 🙂

    • I think it’s really difficult to take the time out of a busy life and appreciate what we have. We’re in a hedonistic world where everyone wants more. Many of us are type A’s that are fixers. We fixate on problems that need fixed, if that makes any sense. So, it creates the tunnel vision I was talking about.

      I think we’d all be better off for sure. It’s one of those things that we can pay forward.

Your thoughts?